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The Emerick Group 2.0 - A Journey of Faith and Leadership

Updated: Aug 12

Introducing The Emerick Group 2.0: A Journey of Faith and Leadership

I'm excited to share with you the story behind the new version of The Emerick Group, a consultancy dedicated to helping leaders and organizations thrive. My journey has been filled with diverse experiences, all of which have shaped who I am today and how I approach business and leadership. You should know where we came from to understand how we got here. Here’s a short peak back over the past 25 years.

Early Beginnings

My career began with the successful launch of a business, where I learned the ropes of running a company, engaging in sales and marketing, and collaborating with vendors and clients to deliver on our promises. After nearly five years, in July 1999, I transitioned to a national nonprofit in Dallas, TX. There, I built a national youth advocacy program from five pilot sites to over forty in just two years. This role eventually led to a promotion where I led a national school outreach program reaching over 2,000 schools and 1 million students annually with award-winning film and educational content.

Building National Programs and Alliances

After eight impactful years, I was recruited to build and lead a national corporate alliances initiative for another high-profile organization. Starting in March 2008, I built the infrastructure and a professional team to secure sponsorships for various programs. In our first full year, we raised $12.5 million, followed by another $15 million in the second year. In less than five years, we raised over $100 million in corporate support, a testament to our dedicated efforts and strategic approach. We also built a racing program in partnership with INDYCAR. Over a three-year stretch, we enjoyed nearly $5 million in cash and media value and saw a group of high-wealth donors increase their annual giving by almost 40%.

Ventured into Consulting

In September 2012, after a rewarding twelve-year journey in nonprofit leadership, I ventured into consulting and founded The Emerick Group. Our consultancy served various clients, ranging from fundraising to marketing and branding support. We successfully launched a new video tech product and introduced a cyber safety program into K-12 schools, among many other initiatives.

Leading Church Growth

In July 2016, I felt called to a new challenge and accepted a position as Executive Lead Pastor at a local church. Crazy, I know, but when called, we answer!

Over the next 3.5 years, I helped lead the church's growth from renting space in a school to owning a 6-acre property with a 40,000 sq ft building. We renovated the entire building, upgraded all back-office systems, and built out efficient procedures and processes for staff and volunteers. By the end of 2019, our congregation grew from 200 to over 1,000 members.

Continued Growth

In January 2020, I joined another growing church as one of the senior executive pastors. Over the next 4.5 years, I oversaw operations for both the church and its K-12 private school, which involved managing HR, finance, facilities, and staff development. In less than three years, the church grew from 500 to over 5,000 members, and the school became profitable after we inherited a substantial financial deficit.

After nearly three years of leading all the operations for the church and school, I moved into helping our Housed Visions grow. These are new departments and nonprofits we established to support various community needs outside of the church. My team supported establishing and growing eleven Housed Visions from 2021-2024. In late 2023 I moved into the leadership role of our Distinct business ministry, and it was during this time that I felt a tug – a call – back into the marketplace.

A Return to Consulting with Renewed Purpose

After much prayer, discussion with my wife, and seeking wise counsel from other incredible business leaders, we felt led to re-launch The Emerick Group. This new venture reflects my journey and growth as a leader. Guided by my Christian faith, I believe true leadership is about serving others with excellence and integrity. My experiences have taught me that with God's help, everyone can grow in character, wisdom, and understanding, so we invite Him into everything we do. If His presence isn’t with us, we won’t go (Exodus 33:15).

This new version of The Emerick Group is not just about business, money, or worldly success. It’s about serving people with renewed purpose and faith, so they can maximize the gifts and talents they’ve been blessed with to pay it forward. We’re passionate about helping people and organizations grow!

Eight years ago, I was chasing my version of success, but today, I chase the Lord daily, seeking His mind and His heart for our future. We are unapologetic about our faith, and through our faith in Jesus Christ, we are committed to serving our clients with excellence and consistency. We hope our faith attracts all kinds of people and organizations for us to serve in the coming years.

Closing Thoughts

I hope this provides a good understanding of who I am and the journey that has shaped The Emerick Group. If you’re looking for a trusted partner to help you grow in your leadership or to support your organization’s growth in health, we would love to talk more.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us, and I look forward to the possibility of working together. The future is full of possibilities, and we hope to walk alongside you as you discover your path to personal and organizational health!

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