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Leadership 52 Interest Form

Type of Organization:
Role at My Company
What is your experience level in your current role?
Main reasons for your interest in L52 (check all that apply):
What are some leadership challenges you face today (check all that apply)?
What is the best day for you to meet for a full day (check all that apply)?
Finally, what is your level of interest:
Image by Rachel McDermott

Unleash Your Leadership Potential

We appreciate your interest in Leadership 52.

Here are some details to consider:

Timing: Launch Day is schedule for the third week of October (14-18); actual date TBD based on group response. 

Frequency: one full day per month for 12 months

Time of Monthly Meeting: 8am - 4:45pm

Cost*: $500/month | $125 discount for church and nonprofit leaders.

Location: Fort Worth, TX

Materials: Program binder, recordings, and additional resources.

Meeting Day: Breakfast, snacks, beverages, and lunch provided. 

Benefits: Unlimited!

If you're interested in Leadership 52, please take about 5-7 minutes to complete the interest form below.


*If cost is the ONLY issue, please complete the form and we'll contact you to discuss further.


NOTE: Check with your employer, many will pay for personal and professional development programs for their leaders. 

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