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Our Story

(a small part of it)

    Since I was a boy, I've been interested in building things. Sure, most young boys build forts, move dirt, and break things. While these are all things I did as a boy, I had an internal desire to build things that mattered. I envisioned seeing skyscrapers, business complexes, machinery, and new homes being built.

     Yes, I had the enthusiasm to "build" at an early age, but in my late teens and early twenties, I didn't have the work ethic, character, or desire to do the things necessary to see this dream become reality. It's a much different story today. In fact, I’ve grown into who I am today thanks to many excellent and challenging leaders who poked, prodded, challenged, and shared hard truths with me. I'll share more about my story in time, but for now, who I am today results from others seeing potential in me that I couldn't see myself. 

     Growing up in a broken home during the "latchkey" generation in Los Angeles taught me that the goal was merely surviving. How wrong I was!  This mindset was a lie that I partnered with for years. Survival is important, but I’ve learned that anyone can thrive personally and professionally with some simple but essential tools put into practice daily.

     While I still desire to build physical structures, I'm more interested in seeing people and organizations built up in health. I've been through many unhealthy seasons over the years, so I empathize with those fighting off the lies of "survival is enough." I'm passionate about building up people and the organizations they care about! 

     As you get to know me, my team, and our strategic partners, you'll quickly see that we genuinely care for you and your organization. We are unashamed of our faith and unwavering in our commitment to serving people well. We also understand that we're not the agency for everyone, and that’s ok. 

     I look forward to sharing more in our Insights section, where you'll find updates, articles, research, and teachings on various topics (visit weekly for new content). For now, I’m thankful you’ve found us, and I hope we can contribute to building you, your people, and your organization up in health. 

Stephen Emerick

Founder and CEO

Our Team

Stephen Emerick

Founder & CEO

Stephen Emerick is a devoted husband and father of two young men. With nearly thirty years of experience in business management, leadership development, and organizational development, Stephen serves as the CEO of The Emerick Group, LLC. He is passionate about helping individuals and the organizations they lead or serve grow.

Jeroen Leeuw


Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Sheryl Bates


Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Our Approach

Our approach is simple. We can only solve that which we know. Regardless of the service being offered, we take every client through a four-step process:


  1. Discovery - we assess and diagnose the issues

  2. Blueprint - we put a plan and project design in place

  3. Project Management - this is where the project is executed and evaluated

  4. Take Root - everything we do is designed to establish roots for long-term, sustainable integration   

We don't rely on formulas to solve problems; instead, we follow proven systems. To achieve a specific goal, we begin by establishing trust with our clients, collaborating with them to create an appropriate plan, and then working diligently to fulfill our commitments.

Us in Numbers


Funds Raised for partners and clients since 2008!


Industry Awards


Workshops, Trainings, & Keynotes Delivered


Success Stories of Serving Clients Well


Years of Leadership Experience


Miles Traveled Serving Clients and Partners

simple image expressing the importance of having corporate values in an organization.jpg
Something that expresses the importance of personal and professional values. Values that h

Culture is established by what you celebrate or what you tolerate!

- Craig Groeschel


To see people transformed through our unwavering commitment to faith, excellence, and service.


To inspire and equip leaders to achieve their highest potential.


To honor God by faithfully stewarding the people and resources entrusted to us.


We are people of our word, dedicated to fulfilling our promises. We reject laziness and embrace diligence in every task, meeting, and interaction.


Honor embodies Heaven's values. It safeguards freedom, fosters safe environments, and requires forgiveness. Honor reflects a Kingdom identity and is rooted in self-control rather than exerting control over others.

Consistency | WE ARE STEADFAST

Consistency reflects our dedication. We are consistent in our approach to maintaining the highest possible standards. Our steadfastness ensures reliable, dependable outcomes that build trust with those we serve. We are who we say we are.

Integrity | WALK THE TALK

We adhere to Biblical principles, maintaining honesty and transparency. We do what’s right, even when it's hard. We are characterized by leaning into difficult spaces and consistently seeking to align our actions with our values.

Multiplication | THRIVE, NOT SURVIVE

We use our gifts, talents, and resources to their fullest potential. We actively steward what we’ve been entrusted with rather than merely preserving it. We put our talents to work to achieve the greatest impact and results.


Our values represent who we are when we operate at our best. They are qualities we aspire to walk out in our daily lives, both personally and professionally. 

Excellence | 100% OF THE TIME

We represent the Lord by doing our best with the resources we have. We seek excellence in every endeavor, giving 100% and never settling for less than our best.


We are dedicated to developing, learning, and seeking effective ways of being healthy leaders. Our commitment to gaining wisdom and instruction for understanding enhances our skills, knowledge, and effectiveness. We continuously grow to teach others how to grow. 

Awards for Excellence

David defeated the giant Goliath with a big idea and a little rock – the sort of thing small agencies do each year. Davey Awards honors the achievements of the “Creative Davids."
The Telly Awards honor excellence in video and television production across all screens.
The Service Industry Advertising Awards (SIAA) recognizes and celebrates the achievements of marketing and advertising in the service sector.
26 Telly Awards
14 Telly Awards
3 SIAA Awards

Our Culture

Vision | WHERE we're going

Mission | HOW we get there

Purpose | WHY we do what we do

Values | WHO we are at our best

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