Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership!

-John Maxwell
Are you struggling with ineffective systems, poor communication, or a weak corporate culture? Don't fall into the trap of reacting with short-term solutions.
Long-term, permanent solutions require a thorough inspection followed by a leadership blueprint with clear action items. Strong leadership consistently fosters a healthy, productive, and thriving work environment. Ready to unlock your full potential?
Uncovering the root causes of your most pressing issues takes patience, time, and investment in your leaders. Start-up and stagnant organizations need to revitalize their systems and leaders by implementing tailored solutions that drive sustainable growth.
Leaders must fill gaps, remove obstacles, and build trust while working toward organizational health.

Thriving organizations always take the time to look inward. The best leaders build cohesive teams where everyone feels valued and united by a common goal. Without a clear vision, people often settle for mediocrity. Thoroughly reviewing every part of the organization, investing in staff development, clear communication, and offering personal development opportunities, all help leaders lift their team's performance from average to exceptional.

"Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others."
-Jack Welch
Our Story
Isn't it time for you and your organization to achieve its peak potential? Your greatest success is within reach.
Since I was a boy, I've been interested in building things. Sure, most young boys build forts, move dirt, and break things. While these are all things I did as a boy, I had an internal desire to build things that mattered. I envisioned seeing skyscrapers, business complexes, machinery, and new homes being built.
Yes, I had the enthusiasm to "build" at an early age, but in my late teens and early twenties, I didn't have the work ethic, character, or desire to do the things necessary to see this dream become reality. It's a much different story today. In fact...
Many churches are strong, experience growth, and begin to thrive in many areas, but eventually, internal struggles may arise. Having a clear vision, connected leadership, a healthy culture, and efficient systems welcome God's presence. When administration and ministry are in alignment, God’s favor is on that church.
To achieve optimal results, an organization needs to possess both intelligence and health. Intelligent organizations excel in areas such as strategy, marketing, finance, and technology. On the other hand, healthy organizations cultivate a culture that minimizes politics, leadership barriers, and staff turnover. With experienced guidance, organizational health paves the way for sustainable growth.
Many private Christian schools are closing due to various factors. In order to succeed, schools must strengthen academic standards, enhance athletic performance, improve fundraising efforts, cultivate healthy leadership, and integrate spiritual development into their daily activities. Schools that invest in these areas flourish.
Nonprofits are intended to provide value to the community rather than to shareholders, but sustainability is a challenge for most. To achieve sustainable success, nonprofits should focus on leadership development, systems efficiency, diverse fundraising portfolios, and building a healthy culture for their staff and volunteers to thrive in.
Sectors We Speciallize In
A boss has the title, a leader has the people.

-Simon Sinek

Strategy is the overarching plan or approach designed to achieve long-term goals and objectives. It involves inspecting the internal and external environment, setting priorities, and determining the best course of action.
Strategy focuses on "what" the organization aims to achieve and "how" it plans to get there.

Execution is the process of implementing the strategic plan and carrying out the activities and tasks necessary to achieve the organization's goals. It involves translating strategy into actionable steps, managing resources, and ensuring that tasks are completed effectively and efficiently.
Execution focuses on "doing" and "how" the plan is put into action.
It’s all about results
A few words from some we've served with.
Stephen is a dedicated professional. His command of business principles for non-profits and corporate America provides him the unique perspective to create strong and effective partnerships. Stephen’s work ethic and dedication to the highest level of integrity brings tremendous value to those he serves. Stephen genuinely cares about seeing others succeed and creates an environment of excellence.
Kristy Hensel
Chief Development Officer
MADD & Boy Scouts of America
Stephen is a joy to work with. I was the EVP/Creative Director of an agency that helped develop curriculum and marketing materials, for a nationwide educational program. There were so many moving parts to this huge undertaking, but he led incredibly well. I found him to be inventive, encouraging, and very creative in building and leading this award-winning program!
Margaret McAllister
Marketing & Communications Consultant
I worked closely with Stephen for three remarkable growth years at Embassy City Church. He was the servant leader shepherding growth through; strategic planning, reinforcing mission/culture, building staff, volunteer development, leadership training, financial stewardship, teaching, and community care. I found Stephen to be a self-starter and motivated to deliver the desired outcomes. I am delighted to wholeheartedly endorse him and to call him my friend.
Peter Wayman, CEO
Lion Heart Children Academy